Gordie's Movie Reviews

I just like to watch movies. Here's a blog that keeps track of how I felt after watching them so that you could also watch or avoid them when you want to sit back and enjoy a movie.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

V for Vendetta

Let me first start off by saying that I'm a big fan of "The Matrix" trilogy. The Wachowski Brothers did a great job in the directing of these movies although the last of the trilogy was lacking in some areas. I nevertheless enjoyed these films immensely. With their latest effort, "V for Vendetta", after hearing mixed reviews of the movie, this is what I thought...not that great. If you were looking for something that was similar to "The Matrix" such as great martial arts, great special effects and just a fantastic movie that made you think, I'd go and rewatch "The Matrix" trilogy. Hugo Weaving, one of the stars of "The Matrix" is in this movie along with Natalie Portman. But Hugo Weaving is behind a mask throughout the entire movie. If it weren't for his distinctive voice, any actor could've been behind the mask for all I cared. Set in the future, the world is a different place as we know it right now, under strict rules from the British government. Yes, I did say British government since it is based in the futuristic Britain. For those of you that are turned off by or just don't understand British accents, you will be faced with that in this movie. In any case, there is a man that wants to expose the government for what they are and henceforth justifies his acts of terrorism. All in all, it was an alright movie but if you were expecting more from it, then you'll be disappointed. Big time. Like me. 6/10

Monday, March 20, 2006

3 Iron

A korean movie that I didn't hear much buzz about that I watched. I found out why after finishing watching this movie. It was a pretty weird movie. The main stars of the movie hardly talked. They could've cast mute actors to play their parts but they weren't in the movie, as far as I knew. It didn't have any sort of a plot. It did have some sort of a storyline, a beginning and an end. It's about a guy who breaks into apartment and homes while the owners are away on vacation or not around. He would make himself at home, eat, sleep and bathe there but he wouldn't rob from the homes. In one of these homes, he meets a woman with whom he falls for and they both start doing this. It wasn't a very long movie but it felt like it was for some reason. It was still interesting enough for me to keep watching the movie though. 6/10.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Save the Green Planet

A Korean movie where I read nothing but great reviews about comes short of it after watching it. I didn't really know what to expect while watching this movie. I was only expecting something brilliant as the reviews that I've read told me that this movie was. In fact, it was nothing but. This movie is about an apparent retard-looking man who thinks that there is an alien that they must get rid of in order to save the earth. We are treated to a movie that sort of reminded me of the "Vengeance Trilogy". Keep in mind that I haven't watched "Sympathy For Lady Vengeance" yet. A prisoner, who is thought to be an alien, is held captive and tortured for most of the movie. I didn't think it was done as well as the Vengeance movies though. It had a couple of gross scenes but there wasn't much of a storyline. I found it to be a little too long for my liking after a while but the characters were weird and wacky enough to keep me engrossed in the movie. 7/10

The Island

"The Island" stars Ewan McGregor and Scarlet Johansson and is directed by Michael Bay. We are transported into the future where we see people dressed in the same types of clothing, controlled by other people to eat certain foods, and controlled by others to behave in certain ways only. It's not a fun future for these people. Little by little, the main characters discover why they behave the way they do and why they are there. We are then treated for a ride and what a fun ride it is. If you're looking for great special effects, pretty actors and actresses, great chase scenes, a mystery that unravels itself slowly until everything makes sense, then you won't have any problems enjoying this movie like I did. 8/10


After hearing nothing but great reviews and buzz about this movie. Also, Oprah, was raving about this movie and telling everyone that they must watch this movie. Not to mention, "Crash" is an Academy Award winner for Best Movie, I finally had a chance to watch it. Let me tell you this, I was impressed because this movie lives up to the hype. It's one of the best movies that I've seen in a while. It made me think about racism and stereotypes. It also has humour to lighten the heavy topic this movie revolves around. Great cast and great acting from the cast. It stars Don Cheadle, Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Brendan Fraser, and Ryan Phillipe, just to name a few...all of whom had great performances. There was one especially powerful and emotional scene involving a fire and a car accident. It contained a couple more of these scenes but that was the most emotional one for me. Aside from that, I saw predictability of the outcomes and therefore it's not the perfect movie. Well, it's hard to be perfect. 9/10

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Night Watch

"Night Watch" is the first of a trilogy about the forces of Good vs Evil. Night Watchers vs Day Watchers. You'll have to see this movie to make sense of all this. It involves vammpires, their enemies, and others which have to make choices of their own to decide which side they want to be alligned with. There is also a Great One and a Virgin who makes everything she has contact with have bad luck. Made in Russia, it was the highest domestic grossing movie of 2004 by a director which had influences from Quentin Tarentino and the Wachowski Brothers. Heading into the theater, I had high expectations of this movie since I read pretty good reviews about the movie. Heading out of the theater, I thought that it was just a good movie. I thought that it needed more action and a more polished look to the film. 7/10.