Gordie's Movie Reviews

I just like to watch movies. Here's a blog that keeps track of how I felt after watching them so that you could also watch or avoid them when you want to sit back and enjoy a movie.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


The movie hyped up to be the last Jet Li wushu martial arts film in the ilks of "Once Upon a Time in China" and "Fong Sai Yuk" makes this movie worth watching for that reason alone. Aside from that, it's nothing special. We've seen most of the moves that has been done before. The best part isn't the final battle since it disappoints. This movie is based upon real life characters so that might explain how abrupt and disappointing the final scene is. Standard Jet Li movie but I was hoping that it would deliver just a little bit more. Great cinematography and soundtrack but a little bit more special effects than needed even though there isn't that much in abundance compared to say, "Twins Effect" for example. It's a better than average movie, overall. 8/10.


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