Gordie's Movie Reviews

I just like to watch movies. Here's a blog that keeps track of how I felt after watching them so that you could also watch or avoid them when you want to sit back and enjoy a movie.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Host

This movie was critically acclaimed and generated a lot of box office success in Korea. It's a Korean movie about a monster that grows when a laboratory starts dropping old formaldehyde solutions into a drainage system that flows into a river. This monster kidnaps a father's daughter and the pursuit from the family to find her ensues. The special effects in the movie is pretty good with great CGI. The monster, when I saw it for the first time looked pretty spectacular. But some of the stunts were too unbelievable. It does have slow moments when the background of the characters are fleshed out for the audience. I didn't find the main character interesting enough to cheer for either. Also, there is not enough action sequences that we haven't seen before in other movies. Other than that, it's still a good film. 7/10


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