Gordie's Movie Reviews

I just like to watch movies. Here's a blog that keeps track of how I felt after watching them so that you could also watch or avoid them when you want to sit back and enjoy a movie.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Departed

The Oscar Award winning "best movie" just doesn't measure up to the original Hong Kong "Infernal Affairs". It stars Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg and Jack Nicholson. Instead of infiltrating a triad as in the original movie, it is with the Mafia instead. Even though I watched the original, I thought the changes to the plot in this movie made it very confusing. Even though it was a remake, it didn't have the feel of the original. Not much excitement or suspense in this one. This one is worse than the original and I didn't even like the original that much. My advice to you...you guessed it. Watch the original. 6/10

The Touch

Michelle Yeoh is in search of an artifact that can not fall into the wrong hands for the world will be in dire straits. Plot sounds familiar? Yeah, it's not very original. The action in it is the only redeeming part of the movie. Michelle Yeoh can do some moves but reliance on wires and special effects degrade the action scenes. Therefore, if you're wanting to watch a brainless movie with some comedy and some sub-par action, then this one will do. After all, it is kind of entertainment. 6/10


I read good reviews about this movie saying how great it was and so I was sold on buying the DVD. SPL stars Simon Yam, Donnie Yen, and Sammo Hung. It's about a group of cops led by Simon Yam who is about to retire and his soon-to-be replacement, Donnie Yen who try to defeat Triad Boss, Sammo Hung. Let me just tell you that this movie contains the most impressive martial arts combat that I've seen in a while. Seeing Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung duke it out was a blast. Not only is the martial arts incredible with displays that are original but it also contains a good plot. Because the characters are well formed, we route for them and we get to see how they tick. There is a touching moment in the film too. What more can we ask for? A sequel? Unfortunately, there can't be one and there won't be one. 10/10

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Host

This movie was critically acclaimed and generated a lot of box office success in Korea. It's a Korean movie about a monster that grows when a laboratory starts dropping old formaldehyde solutions into a drainage system that flows into a river. This monster kidnaps a father's daughter and the pursuit from the family to find her ensues. The special effects in the movie is pretty good with great CGI. The monster, when I saw it for the first time looked pretty spectacular. But some of the stunts were too unbelievable. It does have slow moments when the background of the characters are fleshed out for the audience. I didn't find the main character interesting enough to cheer for either. Also, there is not enough action sequences that we haven't seen before in other movies. Other than that, it's still a good film. 7/10

Lost In Time

Cecilia Cheung and Louis Koo star in this melodrama about a woman who loses her husband and ends up adopting his child. The woman doesn't have enough money to make ends meet so she decides to take over his former job as a bus driver in Hong Kong. We learn the ins and outs of what driving a bus entails in Hong Kong. We also see the frustrations, trials, and tribulations that Cecilia has to endure. The movie begins in a sad note and there are sad moments interspersed throughout the movie. There is a moment that doesn't make much sense but when the end credits roll, everything is cleared up for the viewers. If you're looking to shed some tears and to watch a good movie as well, then this will be your ticket to ride. 9/10