Gordie's Movie Reviews

I just like to watch movies. Here's a blog that keeps track of how I felt after watching them so that you could also watch or avoid them when you want to sit back and enjoy a movie.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Yesterday Once More

Another Hong Kong romantic comedy starring the duo of Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng. You may have seen the pair in "Needing You" and "Love on a Diet" so you'd expect this film to be comparable in quality. Unfortunately, the writing and storyline in this one isn't as good as those 2 movies. This movie is actually downright plain awful. The story isn't very captivating and the characters aren't remotely interesting to watch despite their chemistry in the other movies. I'd avoid this one at all costs unless you are a big fan of either of these actors and you want to watch all of their movies. 5/10.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Wedding Crashers

Another movie with the comedy pairings of Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. If you're a fan of these two guys, then by all means, I'm sure that you'll enjoy watching this movie and you can stop reading this review. But if you're not, keep reading and after reading it, go and watch this movie. This movie is about a couple of guys who crash weddings during peak wedding months but they abide by a set of rules which they adhere to and is referenced to at least a few times in the movie. A typical romantic comedy but made enjoyable because of these two guys, as well as Christopher Walken and Rachel McAdams. One of the funniest scenes has Will Ferrell in it. Yes! He makes a cameo in this one. The story could've been better and I thought that there should've been more laughs in it but it is a romantic comedy and not strictly a comedy so I guess there had to be a balance. If you're looking to just enjoy yourself for a couple of hours and not think too deeply, then check this one out. It seems like everyone else out there has. 8/10

March of the Penguins

Made in France, this documentary features a journey that a group of penguins make and it informs us of the hardships, the happiness, sadness, and days in the life of these said penguins. I've heard nothing but rave reviews and acclaim for this movie but when I watched it, I didn't think it was that special. I've seen wilderness shows before and this one is comparable to the National Geographic ones that I've seen but which hasn't garnered as much attention as this movie. I'd say, watch it, but don't expect too much from it. 7/10

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Kamikaze Girls

A little unconventional for my tastes. This movie looked like an anime with cutesy actresses playing the roles of the lead characters. A lot of eye candy. Everything looked very colourful and vivid. Bland storyline. I kept looking at the time in hopes that the movie would end soon and it never was soon enough. This movie is about a frilly girly girl who befriends a biker girl. They meet when the girly girl places an ad on the internet about designer knock-off clothing which the biker girl wants to buy. They become friends. They tell each other the stories of their lives thus far, which becomes the film. Unfortunately, their stories are agonizingly boring. Avoid at all costs. 5/10. Just because if you looked at the film as background while you're doing something else and not pay attention to the movie, you wouldn't mind watching it at all.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Howl's Moving Castle

This is the latest release from acclaimed Japanese animator and director, Hayao Miyazaki. He's the one that also brought us "Princess Mononoke" and "Spirited Away" among others. I've only watched three of his movies and I enjoyed them all so I was expecting to enjoy this one as well. It didn't disappoint, that's for sure. Immediately, when watching this movie, I knew that it would be different from all the other animated movies that are out there. He can magically transform the viewer into his world where his characters follow his rules. For example, there is a talking flame named Calcifer, that gives power to the Moving Castle and there is a broomstick with a turnip-head that befriends Sophie, the main character in the movie. After being transformed into a 90 yr old woman, Sophie, finds Howl, a wizard and her adventure begins. Some parts of the movie wasn't very comprehendable and I'd probably need another viewing to perhaps figure it out. But because of the great visuals and magic of Miyazaki's movies, I'm going to give this one 8/10.