Gordie's Movie Reviews

I just like to watch movies. Here's a blog that keeps track of how I felt after watching them so that you could also watch or avoid them when you want to sit back and enjoy a movie.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Batman Begins

The origins of Batman portrayed by Christian Bale lets us forget about the last efforts from the past decade when the franchise just went downhill. I actually never liked the previous movies but the trailers for this one made me want to watch it. It did take me a while to get a copy of the DVD, which I regret since it probably would've been much better watching on the bigscreen. If you've got a bigscreen tv set, then there shouldn't be that much of a difference but I digress. The movie takes us into a grittier journey into the life of Bruce Wayne which is a great improvement over the other movies. The action in this movie was just spectacular especially with the scenes involving the batmobile which is like nothing that I've ever seen before in terms of a batmobile or any automobile out there. I was just mesmerized by the speed, power, and technology of the new batmobile. The plot had a little to be desired but the action scene involving the batmobile makes this movie worth watching alone. I can't wait for a sequel. 8/10

Pan's Labyrinth

Spanish movie with english subtitles which was given critical acclaim by critics about a girl who is actually a reincarnation of a princess but she doesn't know it until an encounter with a fairy. Taking us into sort of an "Alice In Wonderland" feel to the movie where there are mythical creatures and downright scary ones such as the creature that eats children with eyes on their hands. You have to see it to know what i'm trying to describe to you. It's not a typical fairy tale movie for kids, that's for sure although it does have a storytime theme to it. There are a couple of very gross scenes that left me and the audience squirming in our seats. The ending was a letdown though. 8/10

Children of Men

Based upon a top selling novel about the future where women stopped bearing children until a discovery of a refugee being pregnant. The government tries to stop this woman from being discovered since she is a refugee but there are others that want to keep her safe. I thought it was pretty much a better than average movie but there was a few scenes where the war scene was pretty gritty and spectacular, to say the least. It was as if I was watching CNN with live coverage of a war in progress. Now that's a compliment. Great special effects. There was a few humourous scenes involving Michael Caine as a hippy but the overall feel of the movie was of frustration, doom, and despair. 8/10


The movie hyped up to be the last Jet Li wushu martial arts film in the ilks of "Once Upon a Time in China" and "Fong Sai Yuk" makes this movie worth watching for that reason alone. Aside from that, it's nothing special. We've seen most of the moves that has been done before. The best part isn't the final battle since it disappoints. This movie is based upon real life characters so that might explain how abrupt and disappointing the final scene is. Standard Jet Li movie but I was hoping that it would deliver just a little bit more. Great cinematography and soundtrack but a little bit more special effects than needed even though there isn't that much in abundance compared to say, "Twins Effect" for example. It's a better than average movie, overall. 8/10.