Gordie's Movie Reviews

I just like to watch movies. Here's a blog that keeps track of how I felt after watching them so that you could also watch or avoid them when you want to sit back and enjoy a movie.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Welcome To Dongmakgo

After reading numerous reviews about how innovative and original this movie about a new take on the North versuse South Korean War was, I decided to buy the DVD and enjoy a great movie. However, after the credits starting rolling, I was quite disappointed. It wasn't nearly as original as I thought it would be since we've seen movies sort of like this one where a village without the influences of the outside world is discovered and the "outsiders" threaten to ruin its existence as they know it. If you've seen, "Big Fish", "Spirited Away", or "The Village", just to name a few, which aren't exactly the same theme but the same idea is presented in those movies, then you will know what I mean. I found the movie quite slow paced for my liking although the bits of comedy interspersed through the movie made it more enjoyable. In the end, I did find a little emotional attachments for so I'm giving this one a 7/10. In conclusion, don't believe the hype on this one.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Descent

A movie about a group of women who go on a cave expedition only to find that they are trapped in there and they are not alone. Not for the faint of heart since there is some violence and lots of blood. If you're looking for a movie to see who will be the last one standing, if any at all or just looking for some action full of gore, then you won't be disappointed. If you're also looking for a great plotline and air tight storyline, then you will be greatly disappointed. There are some blaring faults to the creatures that inhabit this cave but you will probably notice if you do decide to watch this one so I won't elaborate. There are a couple of of jump-out-of-your seat moments so this one is a 6/10.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Stick It

If you've watched "Bring It On", then you've sort of seen this movie. Just picture "Bring It On", but instead of cheerleaders, you have gymnasts. That was what I thought this movie would be like from watching the trailers to this movie. The problem is that the story isn't as riveting or exciting as the other movie. A girl is sent to a gymnastics school for punishment for something that she did and there she is sent on a tournament. What happens in the tournament is kind of surprising. That is, if you haven't walked away from the screen already. The soundtrack for this movie is probably the best thing about this movie because it contains great music but my overall feeling for the movie is just an average score of 6/10. It's a good movie to watch if you have nothing better to do.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


A comedy starring Ryan Reynolds and Anna Faris . It's about a group of characters that work in Shenaniganz, which is a restaurant. In this movie, a trainee gets introduced and shown around the restaurant. We are shown the cocky manager, the under-aged hostess, the eclectic waiters, the and also eclectic waitresses, the thug wannabe bus boys, the demented cooks, etc. If you're looking for a few good laughs in a movie that doesn't have much of a plot or storyline but then again, you just want to laugh, then give this one a try. 7/10.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Illusionist

Edward Norton and Jessica Biel stars in this finely directed movie about a romance between an Illusionist and a princess. As children, they become friends but soon are split apart. They meet again as adults but she is engaged to be married to a prince. A crime scene investigation not long afterward ensues and we are then led to piece the parts of the puzzle together. If you're looking to see some magic and slight of hand to go along with your movie, you will find some in this one. If you're looking for a romance movie, you will also find some in this one. If you're looking for action and explosions, then you will not find any in this one. Even though this movie doesn't contain the last element, excitement is still provoked but from its drama and storyline. 8/10