Gordie's Movie Reviews

I just like to watch movies. Here's a blog that keeps track of how I felt after watching them so that you could also watch or avoid them when you want to sit back and enjoy a movie.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


The sequel by the revered director, Wong Kar Wai is at the helm of this movie. It is supposed to be a sequel to "In the Mood For Love" but yet it does not feel as if it is. There isn't a need to have watched the first one in order to understand this one but it would probably help a bit since it seems complicated enough already. Given Wong Kar Wai's style of showing snippets of events from different times, it gets a little confusing until the end. If you're looking for a movie with a plot, then this one wouldn't be for you since it doesn't follow a traditional movie. It's a Wong Kar Wai movie, for goodnes sakes and his personal style and signature was more than enough to keep me sincerely interested. Tony Leung was excellent in this movie as well as the other star studded actresses in this movie. If the movie had a better plot, it would have gotten a better mark, of course but it's still good, nonetheless. 7/10

Monster House

A computer generated animation about a group of kids who tries to destroy a haunted house is the premise of this movie. It contains some charm, some humour, and some entertainment. More and more of these types of movies are being made every year because it seems like the kids enjoy them. Well, this one is surely entertaining, and probably more so for the kids. This one isn't intended for adults but there is still fun to be had while watching this one unless you're not a kid at heart. 8/10

Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest

The long awaited sequel for the movie that was inspired by a ride in Disneyland does not disappoint. Full of swashbuckling, action, comedy, and romance, this movie seems to have it all. Although lacking in script, it does not fail to entertain and that's why most of us watch movies! I left feeling almost satisfied. The reason being that I felt that the movie could've been longer and yet it already runs well over 3hrs. It is this testament alone that i'm giving this movie a 10/10. I can't wait for the next installment and if you haven't watched this movie yet, get off your computer and catch the next showing before it's too late!